Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Concerned Americans everywhere.....

To start this off i must say i am completely against Third party affiliates.  I feel as though third parties are just a waste of space.
In todays society we dont need a third party candidate to add to our already perfect system.  It has become clear to me that third parties are nothing more than a ploy to defeat the opponent that is lower in the pols.  Honestly who has ever heard of this Gary Johnson fellow anyways?  It seems to me that one of the two major parities paid him off to take support from the other.  Have you heard his radical statements of how he was going to take away taxes!?  Or how he is going to take away Government in the development of our children?  I personally believe that this man has some extremely radical views and someone needs to take action against this man.  Lord only knows what would happen to this country if a man like that gained office.  He wants to give the schools back to the states so that they can compete against each other and produce more intelligent children.  I dont know about you but i feel as though American Children are smart enough as it is.  I feel that our two party system is perfect in every way, it has led to some of the most amazing things in this country.  For example Health care and social security, which despite the propaganda is on the rise.  The only reason the Government tells us that they are in a decline is because they dont want the Muslims to know about how wealthy this country really is.  I decided to write this because despite the fact that our first President George Washington was against a two party system, it is working and amazingly i must add.  How could he say that a two party system would be the downfall of this country?  Who is he to say such a thing?  It's not like he helped create this country or anything.  Hopefully some will read this and add to my rant on how i dislike third parties.  Honestly why should we let the third party in on the debate's?  The American people have enough on their plates as is, with the war in Iraq (they have WMD's they just sent them to Russia) and the constant barrage from the two parties on TV we as americans dont have time to even think of or look at a third party.  So they are pointless and redundant in this country.  I shall end with this, Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

(This is meant to be extremely Sarcastic and to give you an extremely small glimpse into our corrupt Government.)

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